Sunday, November 1, 2009

Alcohol and the Body

Let's hope this WASN'T you last night!

So I think that this post is fitting to follow my last post about Halloween. For young adults (like myself) and even adults, Halloween is a time to drink and have fun. I went out last night, and I had a couple of drinks, just socially. I didn't get drunk or even buzzed, but I saw a lot of people who were. After studying for my Food and Nutrition class, I realized what I had done to my body, by even putting those two drinks in my system.

So, you're probably asking "why is she worried? why is she freaking out? what's the big deal?"

I'll tell you.

1. Alcohol is empty calories. Great way to gain weight!

2. Brain cells shrinks. Hello stupid!

3. Irreversible harm to vision, memory and learning ability. UMMM. UMMM. Where did I put?

4. Alcohol is absorbed by the liver. The liver can only hold so much alcohol, and only so much damage can be done until it becomes permanent.

5. Long term effects: cancer, heart disease, liver disease/failure, malnutrition and bone deterioration.

Healthy amount of alcohol depends on age and health conditions. In older people a glass or two of red wine a day is okay. It contains antioxidants and can help to reduce heart disease, but too much is not healthy and can cause heart disease.

So please be careful of the amount of alcohol you drink, it has many negative side effects, which I think weigh out the good ones (like getting a good buzz). You can always have fun sober, or if you must drink, don't drink often and don't drink in excess.


  1. hahha thank you .. it's not mine though, which saddens me because I lacked a pumpkin this year for Halloween :(

  2. i did that pumpkin last yearrrrr
