Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Who Would Have Guessed?

Well, I haven’t really touched on this yet, but as part of a healthy diet, is a healthy lifestyle. Working out is a great way to stay in shape, and also a good way to stay in good health.

I will soon be posting some great workout tips, to get your body into shape, but first, if you’re already working out, here’s a great after-workout drink...


No, I’m just kidding! It’s chocolate milk!
Yup, that’s kidding around.

Chocolate milk is a great post workout drink. Scientists say that chocolate milk contains carbs that replenish glycogen stores and protein to repair uscles after exercise. It also helps with fluid rehydration, and contains electrolytes (which are put into sports drinks). Electrolytes such as potassium and sodium are lost in sweat. So drink up 15-30 minutes after a workout, and you’ll be good as new!

Oh, and p.s. don’t forget to wipe your mouth after enjoying a class of chocolate milk, you don’t want to be walking around with milkstache!

Click here for more information.



  1. I totally agree! I LOVE having chocolate milk after a workout, great source of protein too!

  2. I was told that chocolate milk was a good post-work-out drink. But I didn't believe him. I think it's the chocolate part in the name that throws me off. Is there a difference between having chocolate milk and having regular milk after working out? is it the same? could I just drink regular milk? Plus it's kindof hard carrying milk with you -- it rots pretty easy.

  3. Well, there are protein shakes that are chocolate that are post-workout drinks, so don't be thrown off by that, I think its the milk that throws you off! Regular milk doesn't contain some of the nutrients that chocolate milk does. I found two good websites that break it down:

    also you don't have to bring it with you, you can have a glass when you get home from the gym!
    I hope that answers your questions! :D
