Wednesday, December 9, 2009


It’s that time of year! Snow has hit and so has the cold weather. I was always taught to put on a jacket and bundle up or else I would get sick, and I would always tell my roommate the same thing. But she always used to say that’s NOT true. Well let me just say she’s right it isn’t. BUT don’t just think you can go outside in shorts and a t-shirt and not get sick, because you can and most likely will. Just because you can’t get sick from actually being cold, doesn’t mean you can’t get sick. Being cold weakens your immune system making it easier for you to catch the common cold or anything else that’s going around at the time. So, I guess I was right as well. Bundle up and don’t be stubborn, because you can get sick!

Enjoy the cold and all the glories it has to offer! Don’t you just love runny noses? Happy Winter!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Exam Stress

We all do it. We cram our last little bit of studying into the last minute, and then we get stressed out. So here’s a little story. In first year university, a girl on my floor decided it would be ok if she left studying for her psychology exam until the night before...BAD IDEA! Psych has so many different concepts and so many things to learn. So anyways this girl decided that it was also be a good idea to overdose on energy drinks. She had had two big cans of Jolt and as well as some other caffeine drinks (coffee, tea, coke, etc). It was early morning when she went knocking on her roommate’s door telling her she needed to go to the hospital ASAP! Her heart was beating so fast she couldn’t breathe and felt like she was going to pass out. She didn’t come back to school after that day. She came back to write her exams then was too sick and stressed out to continue. So here’s the point to the story.
  • Do NOT procrastinate, I do it all the time and it’s not good for your body, stress does kill so be careful.
  • Make sure you’re getting in your 8 hours of sleep. Make sure you don’t try cramming everything into one night, and if you’re tired go to bed. You don’t retain anything anyways when you’re studying and tired.
  • And lastly, do NOT over dose on caffeine drinks, you don’t need them. If you’re getting enough sleep, exercise and are eating healthy, then you should be able to cope without the drinks!

Good luck on your exams everyone! Don’t stress!

Click here for ways to relieve your stress!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Beach Bod

BEACH BOD HERE I COME! I have started a new exercise program. It’s called the AirClimber. It is a step machine and along with it comes a food plan guide and instructional DVD. I’ve been doing it for a week now and have lost 4 pounds. I am on my way to getting the beach body that I hope for! December 26th is when I’ll be showing off my beach bod to the world! Hopefully I’ll lose another 10-15 pounds and get the six pack I once had (yes, I used to have a six pack!).

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Stressed Out?

It’s that time of the year, when stress levels are through the roof!

Did you get hit by the stress monster yet? Want to relax?

Try yoga. It helps relieve stress. Personally, I enjoy heated yoga. Its a great way to feel amazing after a long stressful day. Both heated and non-heated yoga, work on your breathing, help you lose weight, lose stress, and lose those tight muscles! You’ll be flexible, fit and feeling young again in no time.

Have too much energy, and think yoga may be too relaxing for you?

Try kickboxing or a bootcamp. These are great ways of releasing any frustration on a kicking bag (instead of anyone else!) I’ve tried both yoga and kickboxing/bootcamp classes and personally I enjoy the bootcamp classes. The music is upbeat, you’re allowed to talk (which I always do) and it’s a great way to get in shape. When I do go to yoga classes, they’re usually the 60 minute ones, as opposed to the 90 minute classes. I find the 90 minute classes for me are too long (I tend to get bored easily, and an hour and a half WITHOUT talking is way too hard for me!) You need to try out different classes and see which one works the best for YOU. Everyone is different, and you may enjoy the 90 minute classes because you have more time to relax, and you may hate the bootcamp music. YOU have to decide what’s the best workout for YOU.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sweet, Sweet Potatoes

I just LOVE sweet potatoes! They have made it to my food cravings list. Last night I went to my best friend’s house and her mom had made sweet potatoes just how I like them.

Sweet Potatoes with Rosemary

  • 4 large sweet potatoes
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp chopped fresh or dried rosemary
  • 1 tsp of salt

Cut sweet potatoes into cubes of 1 ½ inches. In roasting pan, combine sweet potatoes, garlic, rosemary, oil, and salt. Toss to blend well. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Roast at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 40 minutes, turning sweet potatoes occasionally. Roast until they have a nice golden brown and even burnt coat. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Trying to Lose Weight?

Make sure you’re not only eating right but exercising as well! 60 minutes of brisk walking a day is a great start to help you get on the right track to becoming fit and healthy. If you can walk to work or school, do so. A brisk 30 minute walk to work and one back home is all you need to help you shed some pounds.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Blogging Class Response - The End

The end is near. According to CBC pop culture specialist Jian Ghomeshi, says the end of traditional media is here. The end of radio, TV and print are discussed in his documentary The End. Ghomeshi explores the way new technologies are starting to replace old ones. Although the radio is still here, still alive and pretty strong, it's similar technologies like it that are threatening the death of traditional radio. Satellite and digital radio, for example, are coming in and have a higher audience. There are no commercials to listen to, so anything you want goes. Also, the invention of MP3s and MP3 automobile hookups is threatening radio. We can download the songs we like and don't have to wait through commercials and listen to songs that we don't really care about. TV although you may not know it, is also being threatened by new media. The internet has become a popular place to watch shows that you've missed or just want to watch before everyone else. The internet with sites like Youtube and Surf the Channel, have made it hard for TV companies to compete with the on demand request of consumers today. Everything is high speed and instant. Companies have now started to use the internet to their advantage. They are posting shows online, so they can attract consumers to their website and make them aware of their company. Everything now a days is going online, even news papers. One of the oldest newspaper companies in the USA, has gone completely online this year. There is no need for print, if we can get it all on the internet, and it's up to date. We live in a society where speed is a necessity. We must be up to date and we must know everything. The end is near for traditional media, only time will tell when new technologies will be recognized as traditional.